what have i learned in this calendar year?
the depth of my strength and resilience.
i thought it was just when i left the US with two bags and no contacts to live in Costa Rica in 2011.
but 2020 reminded me i’m just as brave. if not braver.
still strong. scratch that- stronger.
instead of choosing what’s “safe” and “stable” I ran the other direction entirely toward entrepreneurship.

a birthday note from my sister-in-law, Angela...i'm sure i cried when i read it.
this time last year i filed for my LLC.
i was in my sister’s backyard. my BIL was by my side and i felt so jittery and energized clicking the pay button.
i didn’t know what awaited on the other side of that click.
here i am now, a new person.
i am a certified holistic coach and yoga teacher.
i am a published author. hey - a chapter in an anthology is a start.
i am connected to a litany of amazing entrepreneurs and leaders.
it’s also been hard as hell.
i wage battles in my head, combating self-doubt and not having a roadmap as to how this business thing goes.
however, i’m led with my heart. forever guided by my ancestors and guides.
i know that i can spread my message of love and healing to the masses. i can empower and uplift others in the way that only i can.
i am not alone.
entrepreneurship holds parallels similar to having a mental health challenge. every day can be unpredictable.
your edges are pushed.
it can be isolating.
you’re met with your own devices to create the model that works for you.
you have no blueprint, no handbook.
it’s truly a leap.
you take everything you’ve learned and apply it to something you may know little to nothing about, with little guidance or direction.
but with structure, support, and mentorship, things can stabilize.
the nervous system can be brought back in check.
you find your own rhythm, and recognize your boundaries, tendencies, and preferences.
you fall flat.
you flounder and clench your jaw in frustration.
you question your abilities and stamina.
you self-sabotage.
you come back to the drawing board after completing your grounding exercises.
the reason i haven't written any blog entries was partially from the isolation and contraction as a result of life challenges last summer that kept me paralyzed with a lack of motivation, and one month led to another &
i thought who even reads this blog anyway?
but i've learned to give myself grace.
and writing has always been my go-to therapist and self-care staple.
you enact routines and rituals in pursuit of ideal habits and developing the consistency muscle.
here's where i have a lot to work on!
>>>>this article shares some details about what's beyond the entrepreneur curtain, including the following: ..."Entrepreneurs are 50% more likely to suffer from a mental health condition, and the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine are only exacerbating matters."
there are days i just want to hide.
when i don't want to post on social media.
when i don't want to sing out the praises of why i'm a kick-ass coach.
when i must repeat the same message 1 billion different ways.
when i don't feel like a n y of it.
when i ask why am i toiling so much? will it be worth it?
why does it seem so easy for others?
or are they lying?
when you tell yourself not to compare, but can't help it because you've been compared to others & conditioned to be competitive to survive all your life.
things are always tough in the beginning. that’s why they’re called growing pains.
that’s where coaches come in.
i’ve always relied upon a coach for accountability, direction, the exploration of different methods and approaches.
Group coaching has provided support, camaraderie, & connection. Different styles, implementing the ideas, experimenting with what works, and comparing notes.
check, do, plan, adjust.
has it been worth it?
i’m blessed with freedom i’ve never experienced before.
the biggest lesson: pursuing your dreams can be a lonely, arduous road. but it can also yield a tremendous feeling of exhilaration.
if i can do all this with a severe mental health condition,
imagine what you can do, too.
labels are for clothing.
we are not our diagnoses or people's assumptions or classifications of us.
nor our fears of failure or success.
i came full circle:
- starting as a mental health consumer
- to a peer counselor
- to a part of an outpatient mental health team
- to a trainer of peer counselors.
what a wild ride.
i’m truly blessed & grateful to able to piece together a life i love.
through consulting, teaching, speaking, and coaching.
WHO am I?
an intuitive guide in healing intergenerational trauma, leveraging strengths + living unapologetically
WHO do I serve?
individuals who are ready to commit to take steps to UPLEVEL their lives.
my crew (supporters and e-mail list subscribers) aided me in selecting my business name. it was a fun part of the process.
the noun "bayani" stands for someone who is a hero or patriot. however, this isn't just a normal hero; a Filipino "bayani" knows that it's important to use their bravery, courage, and kindness to further the human race or the cause of the larger group.
this month is minority mental health month.
a recent UC Davis study revealed that Filipinas have the highest reported cases of suicidal ideation in the U.S.
we have so many ways to spread our love to end mental health stigma for people from marginalized communities.
Join the BIPOC Mental Health Forum group for BIPOC folx with a mental health condition.
Learn about how minority populations, including the API community are affected by mental health challenges at Mental Health America.
Participate and engage in conversations to learn the stories of individuals who are in mental health recovery. Support the sharing and healing process of others.
my word for 2021 is "ACTIVATE."
i'm celebrating the collaborations, panel presentations, blog posts, podcasts, and other unifying events in which I've been privileged to be featured in which provide the link to connection with a new family of like-minded humans.
i'm excited at the growth and transformation that will take place in the next year-
personally & professionally.
welcoming in synergy, abundance, and continued exploration & learning.
i'm hiring my first social media manager and/or virtual assistant in the coming months.
i welcome and appreciate referrals of any qualified candidates who you think could put up with me.
i desire more dream clients, speaking opportunities, getting a podcast going, and writing my first book. all when divine timing dictates.
i desire the support to achieve all my dreams despite limiting beliefs & inner resistance.
it can only get better from here.
every journey takes one step.
whether it's the business journey
or the mental health recovery journey
or life
-they're all non-linear.
your energy is needed
your presence is valued
you are loved.
if i can help support the co-creation of your unique hero's journey, contact me via the "Contact Amabel" link at the top of this menu bar.
xxo amabel

opening my business account 7.3.2020